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NCI Rame Head Logo
Current Weather at Rame Head, UK

Current Wind Direction  Current Barometer  Current Wind Speed

Wind Direction History Average Wind Speed History 

Direction of High Wind History High Wind Speed History

Current Outside Temperature  Current Wind Chill  Current Outside Humidity  Current Outside Dewpoint

Today's Rain  Yearly Total Rain  Current THW Index  Current Outside Heat Index

Outside Temp History Barometer History

Weather information as at
9:15 on 14/02/25
Usually updated every 5 minutes
Please refresh the page for the latest weather

Rame Head webcam thumbnail
Live view from Rame Head NCI Station, Cornwall

The Rame Head NCI station was opened in May 1998 and is part of the National Coastwatch Institution (NCI) which is a voluntary organisation set up in 1994 to restore a visual watch along UK shores and is a registered charity.

Rame Head NCI Watch Hours
Summer 0900 - 1800 (or sunset, if earlier)
For further information on weather and sea conditions please call the duty watchkeeper on 01752 823706

Rame Head NCI Weather History

Rame Head NCI Weather Summary for mobile users

... and from a sister NCI station
Polruan NCI Weather

Inshore Forecast

Devonport Tides

E at 19.1 kt
1018.1 mb & Rising Slowly
Today's Rain
2.2 mm
Yearly Rain
97.6 mm
Wind Chill
THW Index
Heat Index
Highs and Lows

High Temperature

Low Temperature

6.3°C   at   0:15

5.1°C  at    7:25

High Humidity

Low Humidity

95%    at   8:14

85%   at   0:00

High Dewpoint

Low Dewpoint

4.4°C   at   0:15

3.9°C  at   0:00

High Wind Speed

46.1 kt   at   1:42

Low Wind Chill

-1.7°C   at   7:05

High Heat Index

6.1°C   at   0:00

This information provided by Western Channel Observatory and Rame Head NCI